Additional Resources

Ask participants to reflect on what ground agreements would be helpful to them during the therapy, as this will help them to feel more engaged and part of the process. Be sure to bring their attention on the function of the agreements they formulate: to be of help and support. “In order for us to work together here we need to create an understanding of how we are going to support and respect each other and make this a friendly safe and sharing space. Let’s first discuss how we would like to work together so we feel safe with each other.” To help create a sense of safeness and openness you could write the ideas on the flipchart/whiteboard. During the early stages of Module 1 it will be important to validate that coming to the group or individual therapy can be anxiety provoking and they are already showing courage in coming; this is precisely why we wish to establish these ground agreements. Highlight that we are here to help each other as well as ourselves.

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