Envisioning a Compassionate Future

If participants kept track of their CIRCLE CHECK-INs during the various sessions, they can now reflect on their progress. Have they changed? If so, in what ways? How does the end of this journey impact their three circles? What do they notice? Can they notice the dynamic nature of the three circles? It is possible that the red system has not changed (the purpose was not to eliminate it) but is now balanced by increased activity of the green system. We have now reached the end of this long yet very short journey through Compassion Focused Therapy, and for some it can feel like we have only just scratched the surface of what a compassionate living can offer. However, we might now have a clearer picture of the direction we wish to give our lives, of the motivation we can cultivate from now on in the relationships with ourselves and others. To soften this closure, we will be engaging in practices that strengthen the bonds that have been tied, that reconnect us to the shared experience of our unchosen human nature and envisioning together a compassionate future for ourselves and others.

Podcast Research

Unpacking Anxiety

In our debut episode, we unravel the layers of anxiety .

Relationships Unveiled

Dive into the dynamics of relationships as we discuss

Parenting with Purpose

For our listeners who are parents or caregivers

One of the cornerstones of resolving conflicts is active listening. 

Every designer has their secret source of inspiration

Supporting a friend or loved one dealing with depression can be challenging

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