Compassionate Assertiveness

The Compassionate Landing is a moment to guide participants through entering a space for reflection and practice, welcoming themselves as they arrive to the space, noticing any sensations, emotions and thoughts that they might be carrying with them from the day. By this point of the training, participants will have learned to expect this moment: you can discuss with them what it feels like to have this renewed opportunity to tune into their experience. What is their relationship to these small ritualistic “check-ins”? Has their inner dialogue changed since starting to practice the Compassionate Landings? Have they started to notice something new?

Podcast Research

Unpacking Anxiety

In our debut episode, we unravel the layers of anxiety .

Relationships Unveiled

Dive into the dynamics of relationships as we discuss

Parenting with Purpose

For our listeners who are parents or caregivers

One of the cornerstones of resolving conflicts is active listening. 

Every designer has their secret source of inspiration

Supporting a friend or loved one dealing with depression can be challenging

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